February 7, 2013

Tutorial for New Players by Fuega. Part 6

Tutorial for New Players by Fuega. Part 6
Advanced Hunting

Part 6. Advanced Hunting


  • Raise the profession level for one weapon type to level 20.
  • Collect all the TPs on Planet Calypso.
  • Visit FORTUNA asteroid and the Crystal Palace.
  • Try to complete level one of all the Iron Challenge missions.

More hunting advice:
It is ok to max out several different types of weapons with a SIB because most of the skills gained are general and apply to other weapons too. You can gain many skills economically by maxing out all the weapons listed in part 7. But it does make for slower profession progression if you try to skill on everything.

Therefore, when you find a weapon that you like you should stick to just that weapon type till you are good with it so that you can move up to better weapons faster.
When looking for a new weapon, try to choose one that you are close to maxing out on, because if you don't you will waste a lot of ped on misses and lower damage output.
Many UL weapons don't max out till skill level 100, and are therefore less economical to use at first. You can sort the weapons by what level they max out at on Entropedia.
Or you can just stick to TT weapons and hunt low level mobs for good efficiency.

Different weapon types and items builds different skills. If you go to Entropedia it will show you which skills relate to different professions. Because most skills overlap and are general sometimes you will get whistles that you went up in a profession that you weren't even working on.

Next know your weapons and how much damage they do, and learn to read the health bar of the mob, so you can judge how much damage to do to finish it off. If you are using high power weapons that do alot of damage and eat ammo, sometimes you need to switch weapons if you need just a small hit to finish the mob off. The TT pistol is a good finishing weapon. Using a finishing weapon is key to hunting economically.
Place your weapons on hot-keys, preferably your number keys, so you can change weapons quickly.

Once you start hunting big mobs, you may change how you hunt, possibly using multiple weapons per kill.
Your dream goals for weapons will to be to have 2 or 3 primary weapons.

FIRST, you should have an economical weapon for killing low level mobs that get in your way and for finishing hits on bigger mobs. Your finishing hit should be just enough to kill the mob. A good example of an economical finishing weapon is an axe.

SECOND, you should have a high power fast kill weapon for when you hunt dangerous mobs. A good example of a fast kill close range weapon is a blp pistol.

THIRD, you should also have a nice long range weapon for your first shot. Good examples of long range tag weapons are plasma rifles and rockets.

FOURTH, be sure to USE AMPS where you can, starting with the Bull Tac 10 (L) for blp guns and the Shear XR40 (L) for energy guns. You can't put high end amps on low end guns anymore, so move up the scale of amps as your skill goes up. For efficency sake, you should get a Fi/Ra/Co Beast and a Omegaton A103 or A104 when you can use them. Amps significantly increase efficiency.

Remember that the faster that you kill a mob, it does the least amount of damage to you and your armor, and it regenerates less health, saving you ped. Also you don't want to waste ped by overkilling the mob, so choose the right weapon for the job. A good hunter might change weapons 2 or 3 times per kill. Starting with the long-range tag, then your high damage close-range, and then your finishing weapon for the last hit. And sometimes you get more skills when using more than one weapon per kill.

Hunting really big mobs beyond your level can be fun, but remember, that if you can't take it down in less than 20 seconds using your SIB weapon you are probably wasting ped. It can be fun, if you don't mind the cost. If you want to hunt big mobs I would recommend teaming up with other players.

It is very debatable whether adding enhancers is cost effective. If you want to use enhancers on your items you need to have tier boxes unlocked. The better the tier rate the faster it reaches the next level and the box unlocks. If you are only going to use one enhancer look for a tier rate over 100 on level 1. Unfortunately the tier rate given to an item is random.
If you are planning on using enhancers it is good to use UL weapons that you can keep and tier up.

Again I need to point out, that if you want to skill quickly as a hunter, you should skip the sections on mining and crafting etc., and stick to skilling on just one weapon type. You can always go back and get the other weapon skills and other professions later.

Author: Fuega
Source: PCF

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